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  • NEWS
  • 2023.12.07

Best New Radiology Device' Minnies 2023 Winner

Best New Radiology Device' Minnies 2023 Winner: BodyTom®64 point-of-care mobile CT scanner, NeuroLogica

An upgraded version of NeuroLogica's BodyTom®Elite mobile CT scanner, BodyTom®64 is a 64-slice, full-body portable scanner that’s suitable for use in multiple departments and for both pediatric and adult imaging, according to the Samsung Electronics subsidiary. For example, it can optimize interventional radiology workflows by remaining ready to rescan for each stage of needle guidance, the company said.

What's more, the scanner can utilize a radiolucent skull fixation device to enable intraoperative neuroimaging. Thanks to its internal lead shielding and battery operation, it can also be deployed in trauma bays, NeuroLogica said. The firm has also incorporated a number of changes to the software that had been utilized in BodyTom®Elite, including switching to a Linux operating system. NeuroLogica launchedBodyTom®64 in November 2022 after receiving U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance.

Learn more about BodyTom®64:®/Mobile/benefit